Contact AIMS

General Enquiries

For general enquiries including press or media enquiries, requests for involvement with research projects or conferences etc. please contact

Anyone wanting information and support about maternity care, please see details of the AIMS Helpline details below.

AIMS Publications

For details of AIMS Publications, please visit our shop (click here). If you have an enquiry about a purchase, or any of our books or other items, please email

Use of AIMS copyright material: all the text, charts and images included in AIMS publications are copyright AIMS unless otherwise indicated. Under UK law, you are permitted to use short extracts from AIMS publications without needing to seek the explicit permission of AIMS, as long as you give the title of the work being quoted, stating AIMS as the author (©AIMS), and provided your use is reasonable and fair. We would be very pleased for you to quote a sentence or two, but if you want to quote a longer extract please contact to explain why you want to quote more and to seek permission. We ask anyone who quotes from AIMS publications to include the following text:

Extracts from {Title} are ©AIMS. The book is available from AIMS is a charity
which works towards better births for all by campaigning and information sharing, protecting human
rights in childbirth and helping maternity service users to know their rights, whatever birth they
want, and wherever they want it. See

AIMS Helpline

The Helpline is intended for anyone using the maternity services or their supporters to seek information and support.

This email will go to a group of AIMS volunteers and someone will respond as soon as possible.

Telephone: +44 (0) 300 365 0663
You will be able to leave a voicemail message which will be sent to all our Helpline Volunteers. Please include your name, phone number and brief details of your enquiry. A Volunteer will try to call you back as soon as possible.

PLEASE NOTE: This number is for those seeking information and support about maternity care. For all other matters please see the General Enquiries details above.

(Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02 number and will be covered by phone contract inclusive minutes in the same way as 01 and 02 calls. See for further details)

AIMS supports all maternity service users to navigate the system as it exists, and campaigns for a system which truly meets the needs of all. The AIMS Helpline volunteers are all experienced in providing information and support on pregnancy and birth issues. We do not give medical advice, but instead we focus on helping those who contact the Helpline to find the information that they need to make informed decisions which are right for them, and support them to have their decision respected by their health care providers. They are also able to provide a listening ear and practical support for women who are unhappy with their experiences.

AIMS Journal

If you have any comments about the AIMS Journal or would like to submit an article for consideration, please email

AIMS Birth Information

If you have any comments about the AIMS Birth Information pages or would be interested in helping to write a page for us, please email

AIMS Mailing List

Sign up to the AIMS mailing list, letting you know when we publish new journal or information articles, and when there's news or events which may interest you. (click here).

AIMS Membership

For details of how to join AIMS, please see the Join AIMS page (click here).

For queries about your existing membership, or to notify us of a change of address, etc, please email, or

Get Involved!

Want to be part of AIMS? We'd love you to join us! Please see the volunteering page to see what we're looking for, or feel free to contact us to discuss what else you might like to do (click here).

AIMS Ireland (affiliated group)




To request events listings on the AIMS website, or to arrange an AIMS stand or AIMS literature for an event:



We want you to be able to access this website easily, regardless of the technology you use. Please let us know if you find any page difficult to read -

AIMS is a charity, registered number 1157845. Registered office: 1, Carlton Close, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 1DS, UK

Latest Content


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Pregnancy and hearing: Did you know…

AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 Did you know that one in three pregnant women develop tinnitus compared with one in ten who are not pregnant? Tinnitus is the sensation o…

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Editorial: Hello and welcome. How a…

AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By Alex Smith Welcome to the December 2024 edition of the AIMS journal. The theme for this quarter considers the experience of care for d…

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Welcome to the Deaf Community – a l…

AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By a hearing mother of a deaf baby Sat in the hospital ward, I snapped a cute picture on my phone of my tiny little newborn wearing a hea…

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AIMS Workshop: Focusing on Inductio…

Join us for the an interactive online AIMS workshops, " Focusing on Induction of Labour ". Tickets available here Nadia H…

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UK Perinatal virtual conference

Ten years of MBRRACE-UK reporting: looking back, looking ahead MBRRACE-UK perinatal confidential enquiry into the care of migrant women with language difficulties Nationa…

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AIMS Workshop: Focus on Resolution

Join us for the an interactive online AIMS workshop "Focus on Resolution" with Dr Rebecca Moore . Tickets available here…

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Latest Campaigns

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AIMS Letter to Wes Streeting

AIMS has written to Wes Streeting MP, welcoming him to the role of Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. We acknowledge his awareness that maternity services are…

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Involving Service User Voices in Ma…

This is an edited version of an invited talk given by Jo Dagustun, AIMS Campaigns Team, to the International Labour and Birth Research Conference UK, 24 - 26 April 2023.…

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Birth Trauma Inquiry Open Letter in…

We write this letter in response to the recently published APPG Report on Birth Trauma which can be found here The report was extremely moving and we honour the brave con…

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