Join us for another in our new series of interactive online AIMS workshops, "Focusing on Rights in Pregnancy and Birth". Tickets are available here
Emma Ashworth (principal author of "The AIMS Guide to Your Rights in Pregnancy and Birth") will be leading a two-hour discussion covering:
Current issues around capacity, informed consent and rights to access services.
How you/your clients can make informed decisions about all aspects of the maternity care.
Full list of current AIMS Workshops can be found here
The ticket price includes an £9 voucher for the AIMS shop so you can buy the book of your choice (or some notelets or Christmas cards if you prefer).
Tickets cost per person £30 for members, £40 for non-members. If you are not already an AIMS Member and would like to consider supporting AIMS, then you can find details here: Join AIMS - Become a Member
Accredited for CPD by Doula UK and potentially valuable CPD for midwives and students, NCT practitioners etc.
We are offering two free place for student midwives on each of our workshops, and we would also like to offer reduced price tickets to anyone who would find the full amount difficult to afford. Please email with your details including the workshop you would like to attend.
All profits from AIMS workshops go to supporting AIMS work.