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The AIMS Guide to Your Rights in Pregnancy and Birth |
Principal Author Emma Ashworth This book has replace the AIMS Book Am I Allowed? How many times during pregnancy and birth do you hear the phrase 'am I allowed to…?' The AIMS Guide to Your Rights in Pregnancy & Birth changes that thinking – because you don't have to ask permission. You have the legal right to decide what happens to your body. And you have always been allowed. You might find you have to make a difficult decision, so you are likely to listen to the information given to you by family and birth workers, midwives and doctors but the decision is yours to make – nobody else's. Most of the time, it is the maternity services that need to ask your permission about the care that you would like for yourself and your baby, and this is done through a process of informed consent which is an on-going, up-to-the-minute dialogue. This book offers a comprehensive examination of how to get what you want in your pregnancy and birth journey – it helps you to understand the issues and offers you the tools to help you to make your decisions. It is a vital resource for partners and for those working in any part of our maternity services and for all birth workers. Kindle Version £6.50 |
The AIMS Guide to Induction of Labour |
Principal Author Dr Nadia Higson If you are considering buying this book, you probably want to know more before you make a decision about whether to have your labour induced, or else you have decided on induction and want to know how to prepare for it. Sometimes induction of labour will be beneficial, but it also has risks. It is up to you to decide whether induction is right for you and your baby. This book guides you through your rights and provides essential, evidence-based information about the benefits and risks of induction in different situations, giving easy to read key evidence points. It also makes clear when there is a lack of good evidence. It give suggestions of things to consider and questions you may want to ask your midwife or doctor. There are explanations of methods used to induce labour, what to expect, the options you may have during the process, and ideas on how to prepare and encourage an induction to work. The AIMS Guide to Induction of Labour is also a handbook for those working in any part of our maternity services, for birth workers and anyone else supporting parents through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
The AIMS Guide to Resolution after Birth |
Principal Author Shane Ridley Births do not always go according to plan. Sometimes things happen that were not explained to us, we did not consent to or found difficult to come to terms with; so they may make us feel sad, angry, frustrated or traumatised. The AIMS Guide to Resolution after Birth offers comprehensive and empathic information about how to reach a resolution after any distressing maternity experience. It guides you through your rights, it asks how you feel, it shows you who to contact, it gives a comprehensive list of specialist organisations, with chapters written by women devoted to helping people with birth trauma, or stillbirth and neonatal loss. The book points out the complexities of the maternity services culture and urges you to empower yourself. Importantly, it shows you how to navigate the formal complaints process. The AIMS Guide to Resolution After Birth is a unique book packed full of information – it is essential reading for everyone who needs to find a path to recovery after birth. Anyone who is planning to get pregnant or is pregnant should read it also, to help avoid the pitfalls of the maternity services, hopefully preventing avoidable birth trauma. Kindle Version £6.50 |
The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to Your Baby |
Principal Author - Deborah Neiger During your baby's birth journey, your body will flow and ebb through several different stages, all seamlessly shifting and varying from person to person. You body prepares, opens, your baby descends and is eventually born. The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to Your Baby focusses on the time that is commonly called the second stage of labour, which generally starts when the cervix is fully open and during which the baby descends through the pelvis and eventually is born. . |
The AIMS Guide to Safety In Childbirth |
Principle authors Gemma McKenzie, Emma Ashworth, Shane Ridley and Virginia Hatton We all want to give birth as safely as possible, where our bodies are cared for and our babies arrive healthy. But where can we find the information to help us to make the choices which feel safe for us? The AIMS Guide to Safety in Childbirth offers a fresh look at the subject of safety by focusing on helping you to investigate the issues entangled in birth research, evidence-based medicine, statistics, risks, harm and trauma. The book also pays tribute to Marjorie Tew who opened our eyes to maternity statistics in her book ‘Safer Childbirth? A Critical History of Maternity Care’ and the AIMS booklet ‘Safety in Childbirth’. Using the data from ‘Birthplace’, research revealed that the place of birth affects the outcome of the birth. Homebirths, births in midwife-led units and hospitals were evaluated for both high- and low-risk women and their babies. This book gives a precise practical summary of the findings and suggests how to apply it to your decision-making. This book is also an essential read and information source for those working in any part of our maternity services, for birth workers and anyone else supporting parents through pregnancy, birth and beyond as it gives pertinent reminders of the benefits and risks of evidence-based care. Kindle Version £6.50 |
The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to your Placenta |
Principal Author Emma Ashworth The placenta is a truly remarkable organ. Not only does it make key hormones for many vital stages of your pregnancy, it is the source of the oxygen and nourishment that your baby needs to thrive in your womb. Yet the birth of the placenta is often down-played or ignored. In fact, nowadays it is usually drug-induced, a ‘procedure’ at the end of birth. The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to Your Placenta explains how your body births the placenta and the role the key hormones play, and gives you ways to provide extra support to the process. It also explains the reasons for medical intervention, giving you the information you need to make decisions about how you want to birth your placenta. The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to Your Placenta covers the time from when your baby is born until the birth of your placenta. It also explains the purpose of what is known as ‘The Golden Hour’. This book accompanies The AIMS Guide to Giving Birth to Your Baby and is a valuable resource for anyone who is soon to give birth, and to birth workers and anyone supporting parents through pregnancy and birth. Kindle Version £6.50 |
Gestational Diabetes |
Written by Deborah Hughes
Deborah Hughes (BA (Hons), RM, MA, PGDEd) is the latest author to write for AIMS and we are incredibly lucky to have her expertise on the subject of Gestational Diabetes. AIMS knows that many women are being diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes or are faced with the decision to be tested for it, without having all the information they want. Midwives, student midwives, doulas, hynobirthing practitioners and all others who work with women now have a significant resource. Jennifer Williams insightful illustrations and infographics, adding humour and making this complex subject more accessible. |
Group B Strep Explained |
Written by Sara Wickham AIMS is thrilled to present another book from Sara, a highly skilled and thoughtful practitioner with a unique ability to assimilate complex research and turn it into useable information. Sara discusses the different perspectives on and approaches to GBS; the human-bacteria relationship; the different kinds of screening and treatment that are available for GBS; the wider issues relating to this area; the answers to some common questions women have asked and more. Dr Sara Wickham PhD, RM, MA, PGCert, BA(Hon) is a midwife, educator, writer and researcher, who has worked alongside AIMS for many years. |
Breech Birth - What are my options? |
Written by Jane Evans One of the most experienced midwives in assisting women to give birth to their breech babies has written this informative and empowering book to inform women about the choices they have and help them decide what is right for them. |
Birth After Caesarean |
Written by Jenny Lesley This book aims to provide information about choices, suggest ways in which a vaginal birth after caesarean can be made more likely and inform women about their rights and where to find support. Vaginal birth after caesarean is commonly known as VBAC. Women's experiences are an important element of this book. |
If you have any enquiries about these publication please contact publications@aims.org.uk