Am I Allowed - Additional Information and links

This page contains links and other additional support information to supplement the text of the AIMS Publication Am I Allowed. If you find any information on this page that is out of date please do let us know so that we can provide an update. Please email

Find additional information for a page in Am I Allowed

9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 45, 46, 54, 58, 59, 61, 63, 66, 75, 79, 83, 84, 92, 94, 98, 100, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 114, 116, 118, 123, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142

Antenatal Appointments (page 9)

The NICE guidelines on antenatal appointments have changed slightly since Am I Allowed was printed. The current guidelines (as of 2019) are here:

Organisations providing antenatal classes

KG Hypnobirthing
Hypnobirthing - The Morgan Method
Active Birth Centre
Lazy Daisy
Pregnancy and Parent Centre, Edinburgh

Organisations who can provide information and support about employment rights and maternity benefits

Citizens Advice Bureau
Working Families
Maternity Action
Family Lives
One Parent Families Scotland

Maternity Allowance (page 11)

The subtitle on this page “Certificate of Confinement” refers to a document whose name has been changed to “Mat B1”. More information

Find out more about Maternity Allowance, including how to claim

Sure Start Maternity Grant (page 11)

For more information and the application form see:

Entitlement to Free NHS Care (page 12)

For details of who is entitled to free NHS care

Dental Care (page 12)

Use this page to find an NHS Dentist local to you

Travelling by Train (page 12)

South West Trains has been taken over by South Western Railways and details of their Mums to Be scheme can be found here; but they are not offering an upgrade to first class.

Antenatal Screening (page 13)

ARC, Antenatal Results and Choices is a national charity which provides information and support in relation to antenatal screening and its consequences for both parents and healthcare professionals
ARC Antenatal Results and Choices

Questions to Ask (page 15)

AIMS leaflet 'Charter for Ethical Research in Maternity Care

These links may also be useful:

NHS information page on being involved in research:

Ethical Research Involving Children's Charter:

Blood Tests (page 19)

Free confidential advice about HIV is available from

Second trimester Maternal serum screening (MSS) Test (page 21)

For further information contact ARC (Antenatal Results and Choices)

BMI Calculation (page 22)

See following page will calculate your BMI for you.

Ultrasound (page 23)

The AIMS publication "Ultrasound, Unsound" is now available free of charge from here.

A blog by Beverley Lawrence Beech and Jean Robinson about the safety of ultrasound is here:

The Dating Scan (page 24)

The AIMS publication: Inducing Labour: Making Informed Decisions provides a discussion about dating scans.

Screening for Chromosomal Differences (page 25)

NHS’ information page on testing for chromosome differences in

NHS Scotland’s information on Down’s Syndrome:

UK Government’s information leaflet on screening in

SOFT – a charity which supports families who are affected by trisomy 13 (Patau’s Syndrome) or trisomy 18 (Edwards’ Syndome)

In addition to the screening tests available on the NHS, there is a newer screening test available, which looks for fragments of your baby’s DNA in your blood. This DNA can be tested for signs of the DNA having an extra chromosome. These tests are not currently widely available on the NHS, but you can ask whether your local Trust is offering them. Private clinics may offer this test under the brand names Harmon, Maternity21P, Verfi or Panorma Test.

Ultrasound (Page 26)

"My Baby's Ultrasound Record" is currently unavailable.

"Ultrasound: an overused, under-researched technology" is currently unavailable.

You might find this article helpful:

Chorionic Villus Sampling (box) (page 30)

What happens during chorionic villus sampling

Planning your Maternity Care (page 31)

WHICH, in collaboration with BirthChoiceUK has developed a website designed to help you make these decisions

Deciding where to give birth (page 34)

WHICH, in collaboration with BirthChoiceUK has developed a website designed to help you make these decisions

AIMS sells the book, "Why Homebirth Matters" which may help you to consider whether a home birth is right for you.

Problems booking a home birth (Page 35)

AIMS’ Information page on booking a home

You can also contact the AIMS helpline for free, confidential information and support at

AIMS sells "Why Homebirth Matters", a useful and practical information resource for anyone considering a home birth.

There are many sources of information and support for women planning a homebirth including:

And on Facebook:

WHICH Website (page 38)

Booking an NHS Midwife (page 40)

The following website campaigns for and provides information about continuity of care midwifery care

Booking a midwife outside the NHS (page 40)

Midwifery Services not run by the NHS

Independent Midwives UK (IMUK)
Neighbourhood Midwives
One to One Midwives

Booking care outside the UK (page 45)

NHS Choices page on Giving birth outside the UK

On the back of the European Health Insurance card there is a helpline number +44(0)20 7210 4850 (Mon - Fri 9-5; UK time)

Your Rights to a Home Birth (page 46)

The following site may help you to find out whether there are specific homebirth services in your area

The AIMS helpline offers free, confidential support and information to help you to plan the birth you want. Email

Find other women and support groups to help you

Homebirth Reference Suite
Positive Birth Movement

Facebook and Yahoo Groups

Homebirth UK
Homebirth UK
Birth Choice UK
Positive Birth Movement
The Birth I Want

Your local Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) in England and your Community Health Council in Wales In Scotland the Patient Advice and Support Service and in Northern Ireland the Patient and Client Council.

Or contact the AIMS Helpline 0300 365 0663 or

Giving Birth without a Midwife or Doctor (page 54)

The NMC has withdrawn its information page on freebirth and now does not have a position statement.

Birthrights Factsheet on Unassisted Birth

Concerns about a Midwife (page 58)

In 2017 the NMC withdrew the requirement for Trusts to have Supervisors of Midwives. However, they are being replaced by Professional Midwifery Advocates (PMAs) and you can ask your midwife for the contact information for your PMA.

NMC's statement on Supervision:

The LSAMO was also abolished by the NMC in 2017.

The AIMS helpline can offer information and support to help you if you have concerns about your midwife. Email

Group B Strep infection (page 59)

The AIMS Book Group B Strep Explained is available from the publications page of the AIMS website

Your Rights to a Hospital Birth (page 61)

The following site may help you to find out whether there are specific homebirth services in your area

The following article "Beware the Dead Baby Card..." looks at the use of the 'dead baby card' tactic which women can find played against them when they decline advice given to them.

WHICH’s information page on choice of place of birth:

Birth Plans (page 63)

The AIMS book, "What's Right for Me" has been withdrawn since Am I Allowed was printed.

As caesarean birth plans are harder to find than vaginal birth plans, this link may be helpful if you are planning, or planning for the possibility of a caesarean

For good birth stories to help you decide what is right for you:

Support for the birth you want (Page 66)

Birthing Your Baby, The Second Stage:

What’s Right for Me has been withdrawn as an AIMS publication since Am I Allowed was published.

Birthing Your Placenta, The Third Stage:

Birth After Caesarean:

Homebirth – A Practical Guide has now been replaced in the AIMS store with Why Homebirth Matters by Natalie Meddings:

Induction of Labour (page 75)

AIMS book "Inducing Labour: Making Informed Decisions":

Vaginal Exams (page 79)

AIMS’ information page on vaginal examinations:

Meconium in amniotic fluid:

In the AIMS article "Troubled waters" Sarah Davies looks at the significance of meconium in the amniotic fluid:

Midwife Thinking has a helpful article on this topic:

Planning a Caesarean Section (page 83)

This link may help with a caesarean birth plan:

AIMS’ Chair of Trustees, Debbie Chippington Derrick, was the co-author of the book “Caesarean birth, your questions answered”

We apologise that this page is still under construction; if you are looking for information that has not yet been added please contact for assistance.

Birth After Caesarean (VBAC) (Page 84)

The AIMS book "Birth After Caesarean" is available here:

MHRA Yellow Card System (Page 92)

MHRA Yellow card reporting system to report an adverse reaction to a medicine, vaccine, herbal or homeopathic remedy.

Non-Governmental help and support for parents (Page 94)

Care For the Famiily:


Your Rights as a Parent (Page 98)

AvMA website:

Birthrights website:

Milk Banking Charity UKAMB (Page 106)

UK Association for Milk Banking

Notifying and Registering Your Baby's Birth

When this edition of Am I Allowed was published, the local Trusts were called Primary Care Trusts. This term is no longer used. In order to find your local Child Health Department, search online for “Child Health Department” and the name of your local hospital.

Notification of births act, 1907, is available here:

SANDS' information (Page 107)

SANDS’ information page and booklet on “Saying goodbye to your baby” is available

Information on ways to consume your placenta (Page 108)


- Placenta Remedies Network:

How to contact breastfeeding support (Page 109)

- La Leche League


- Association of Breastfeeding Mothers (ABM)

- Breastfeeding Network

Kangaroo Babies (Page 111)

Unfortunately, both the author’s name and the book title have been misprinted in Am I Allowed. The author’s name is Nathalie Charpak, not Nicola, and the correct book title is, “Kangaroo Babies, a different way of mothering”. The link to the AIMS book review includes a link to the book on Amazon:

Lifestart resuscitation trolley:

Newborn physical examination (Page 114)

Vaccinations (Page 188)

AIMS Journal article on making a decision about vaccinations:

What Doctors Don’t Tell You (Page 123)

British National Formulary (Page 123)

The Miscarriage Association (Page 125)

The Miscarriage Association’s leaflet has helpful information on the chances of a successful pregnancy after one or more

Post Mortems (Page 129)

The Royal College of Pathologists suggests that parents should contact the Coroner to ask about a second post-mortem if they have concerns about: the quality of the post-mortem; the cause of death given; or the actions of the pathologist. The Coroner will try to resolve the issue but if this is not possible and the parents are still concerned, the parents will need to arrange a second post-mortem at their own cost. The Coroner may refer the family to a pathologist but they won’t actually arrange it, and the parents will need to pay for it.

Before a second post-mortem can be requested, the coroner will need to have released the baby's body from the first one. If parents wish to advise the pathologist that they might consider a second post-mortem, AIMS suggests a simple letter to the initial pathologist, such as,

"We would like to adivse you that we are considering requesting a second, private post-mortem if we feel that it is necessary once you have completed yours."

The Royal College of Pathologists have this information which relates to all deaths but may be helpful to parents whose babies have died and who are worried about their baby's initial post-mortem:

Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA) (Page 130)

Support for parents and families who have lost a baby to miscarriage or stillbirth or where their baby died soon after birth (Page 131)

- Miscarriage Association:

- Tommy’s:


- NHS information page:

Louisa's story (Page 132)

Louisa shares her story of complaining about poor care:

Making A Complaint (Page 133)

AIMS’ publication, “Making a complaint about maternity care”:

Complants against private companites:

The Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (ISCAS):

PALS (Page 134)

To contact your local PALS (England and Wales), Patient Advice and Support Service (Scotland) or Patient and Client Council (Northern Ireland) search online for the name of the hospital that covers the service you want to complaint about and the name of the regional service (eg “York Trust PALS”)


The Independent Complaints Advocacy Service has now ceased its service.

Obtaining Copies of Your Notes (Page 135)

Since the publication of Am I Allowed, the GDPR data protection law came into force which means that women are entitled to a free copy of their notes, and the fee (which ranged from £10 to £50) is now unlawful. Unfortunately, this does not apply to a person who has died, so parents may be forced to pay for their baby's notes if they have died, or families for the notes of a woman who has died. However, a complaint can be made to the Information Commissioner if these fees are felt to be unreasonable.

Making a Compaint About Maternity Care (Page 137)

AIMS’ publication, “Making a complaint about maternity care”

Contacting the Information Commissioner

The Information Comissioner's website is

Birth Choice Website (Page 140)

The Birth Choice UK Website now redirects to the WHICH website,

Serious Incidents (Page 141)

Members of the public in wishing to report a Serious Untoward Incidents about English healthcare may do so through NHS Improvement rather than the NHS Commissioning Board Special Health Authority:

The equivalent body in Scotland is Healthcare Improvement Scotland Also, you could consider raising your concerns though the Scottish Patient Safety Programme:

You could also choose to inform a body like the Clinical Quality Commission (CQC).

AVMA (Page 142)

Action Against Medical Accidents (AvMA)

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