Breech birth: A midwifery approach
AIMS Chair Beverley Lawrence Beech reports from a meeting of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), 19 January 2004, which focused on the midwifery approach to breech birth.
The war on group B strep
Midwife Sara Wickham provides the background and explores the options open to women diagnosed with bacterial diseases that pose potential risks to their babies.
Jean robinson draws attention to the risks pregnant women run when seen in Accident and Emergency departments by junior doctors whose confidence conceals their ignorance of obstetrics and gynaecology.
Things are changing...
AIMS has been at the forefront of campaigning to improve maternity care for the last 43 years and, for those who've been involved a long time it is sometimes useful to look back at what care was like many years ago, and see just how many changes have resulted from constant consumer pressure. Jane Wright considers the changes that have taken place in Northern Ireland.
Community maternity unit sets the standard
Avril Nicholl discusses the Scottish Executive's contraversial strategy to increase the number of community maternity units, which has recieved a boost with news of a remarkable turnround of an existing unit.
Also in this issue:
Through a glass darkly (into the light); Vitamin K; the view from Down Under; Looking for help; "Am I Allowed?" - new AIMS book says 'Yes, you are'; and Irish Supreme Court highlights need for reform in maternity care
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 Did you know that one in three pregnant women develop tinnitus compared with one in ten who are not pregnant? Tinnitus is the sensation o…
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By Alex Smith Welcome to the December 2024 edition of the AIMS journal. The theme for this quarter considers the experience of care for d…
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By a hearing mother of a deaf baby Sat in the hospital ward, I snapped a cute picture on my phone of my tiny little newborn wearing a hea…
Join AIMS members for a community engagement workshop to tell the Government how you think maternity services need to change. AIMS has already submitted an organisational…
This conference will focus on measuring, understanding and improving maternity care experience in the NHS. Through national updates and case study presentations the confe…
Join us for an interactive online AIMS workshop: " The Foundation Stones for Supporting the Physiological Process in Pregnancy and Birth ". Tickets available here: https:…
AIMS has written to Wes Streeting MP, welcoming him to the role of Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. We acknowledge his awareness that maternity services are…
This is an edited version of an invited talk given by Jo Dagustun, AIMS Campaigns Team, to the International Labour and Birth Research Conference UK, 24 - 26 April 2023.…
We write this letter in response to the recently published APPG Report on Birth Trauma which can be found here The report was extremely moving and we honour the brave con…