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Journal Vol. 17, No. 4 — Choice - an abused concept

ISSN 0256-5004 (Print)

Choice - an abused concept that is past its sell-by date
Beverley Beech considers how the public is deceived into believing that choice exists when in reality choice is an illusion

Booking a Home Water Birth in Glasgow
Jayne Howell wanted a water birth at home but found that a huge number of hurdles were placed in her way.

You have the right to refuse to see a health visitor
Jo Broughton describes how she gave birth without problems to her 10lb 8oz baby in Glasgow. She saw no reason to see a health visitor but was then reported to Social Services

Experiences of third stage
Jill compares the differences between a managed third stage and a normal one.

Waterbirth - changing attitudes
Avril Nicoll, Kirstin Hoggins and Phyllis Winters reflect on the process of change undergone by the midwives at Montrose community maternity unit where waterbirth is now more than a choice.

Report your own adverse effects
Jean Robinson reports on the extension of the yellow card scheme for reporting adverse affects of drugs, to allow patients as well as doctors to report these problems.

Just a role play?
Alice Charlwood volunteered to play the mother in a workshop on whether women are allowed to exercise informed choice, and learned first hand how difficult it can be.

Why high episiotomy rates are considered acceptable and even desirable
Jane Wright explains why midwives, despite the evidence, continue to carry out routine episiotomies.

Assertiveness - fine in theory, difficult in practice
Earlier this year one of our Committee members, Shane Ridley, circulated some thoughts on being assertive and compiled a guide to help people think through the issues. It encouraged a flurry of debate, from which the following thoughts emerged:

Ten years after a stillbirth - how good care can make all the difference
Shane Ridley describes her experience of the stillbirth of Katie Eva and how during those times the kindness and compassion of midwives and doctors made such a difference. She and her husband had all the support from professionals that she could have wished for, even though it was at a time of great sadness.

Blood money for what? The continuing saga
In the AIMS Journal (Vol 16, No 4), Professor Naomi Pfeffer, a sociologist and historian who researches and writes about human tissue collection and stem cell research and therapy, explained why unregulated private blood banks threaten to exploit pregnant women. George Macridis, Managing Director of Future Health Technologies responds.

Debbie Chippington Derrick reviews

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