Beverley Beech reviews the uphill battle to breastfeed in a modern society
reporting on their exit from the Perrier Award for Comedy, and their involvement with Body shop
Are You Overfeeding Your Baby?
Jean Walker questions whether our society undermines women's ability to breastfeed by promoting early weaning, additional feeding with artificial milk and over emphasises weight.
MORI Survey on Breastfeeding
Some results of the National Childbirth Trust commissioned survey of the views of new mothers and pregnant women in the UK about infant formula advertising.
At the end of the Production Line
Fiona Dykes questions the ability of the hospital system to support breastfeeding and motherhood.
Codex Alimentarius
Maryse Lehners-Arendt has been battling for many years as a lay-member and consumer representative to challenge the power of industry and other vested interests to strengthen the regulations regarding infant feeding products such as baby milk composition and marketing.
What "they" say about breastfeeding
Suzanna Nock shares some priceless breastfeeding comments...
Breastfeeding mums NOT "Lovin' It"
McDonald's gets the Booby Prize, the NCT award for the least friendly place in Britain to breastfeed.
Conference Reports
Making Breastfeeding a Reality; March 20th 2006 at the Royal College of Physicians
Patricia Wise, NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor reports
Breastfeeding Beginning and Beyond; Lactation Consultants of Great Britain Conference, March 25th 2006 at the University of Manchester
Patricia Wise, NCT Breastfeeding Counsellor reports
Tribute to Jean Robinson
Gill Boden pays tribute to Jean Robinson, on her retirement as AIMS Research Officer
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 Did you know that one in three pregnant women develop tinnitus compared with one in ten who are not pregnant? Tinnitus is the sensation o…
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By Alex Smith Welcome to the December 2024 edition of the AIMS journal. The theme for this quarter considers the experience of care for d…
AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 4 By a hearing mother of a deaf baby Sat in the hospital ward, I snapped a cute picture on my phone of my tiny little newborn wearing a hea…
Join us for an interactive online AIMS workshop: " The Foundation Stones for Supporting the Physiological Process in Pregnancy and Birth ". Tickets available here: https:…
MuM-PreDiCT is a UK-wide research programme funded by the Medical Research Council. The project focuses on understanding how multiple long-term conditions affect women, b…
Join us for an interactive online AIMS workshop, " Focusing on Induction of Labour ". Tickets available here: Nadia Higso…
AIMS has written to Wes Streeting MP, welcoming him to the role of Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. We acknowledge his awareness that maternity services are…
This is an edited version of an invited talk given by Jo Dagustun, AIMS Campaigns Team, to the International Labour and Birth Research Conference UK, 24 - 26 April 2023.…
We write this letter in response to the recently published APPG Report on Birth Trauma which can be found here The report was extremely moving and we honour the brave con…