Journal Vol. 32, No. 2 — Pandemic birth: Women's own stories during Covid-19
ISSN 2516-5852 (Online)
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Editorial A snapshot of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on the pregnancies and births of women and pregnant people in the UK
The importance of home birth during Covid-19 Briony Cobb describes the reassurance that her trust’s commitment to home birth is giving her as she awaits her first baby during the Covid-19 crisis
Preparing for birth in lockdown Lorraine Noble describes her ups and downs as she prepared for the birth of her baby during Covid-19
When fear becomes reality Rosie West explains how the withdrawal of the homebirth and MLU services during Covid-19 is affecting her and her family
High risk and high and dry This anonymous author shares how she felt abandoned by the NHS during Covid-19, despite risk factors which were worrying her
My birth, my way Joanna freebirthed her baby girl as the right choice for her during the Covid-19 pandemic
Covid-19 and my IVF pregnancy Gemma Wood describes how a lack of communication from her hospital has caused her anxiety and distress
A time of worry and uncertainty Felicity Miller explains how the changes to maternity services in her area are causing huge stress and anxiety
Balancing the trade offs Isla Wallace discusses how balancing the risks of spreading Covid-19 with the risks of being separated from her partner and newborn affected her
When partners are banned from birth As Lucy Castelino arrived at the hospital to birth her twins, she was told that her partner could not be there at all, nor for the next 5 days
When support stops Polly Warr’s postnatal care was hugely reduced during the Covid-19 pandemic
Anxious in a pandemic Louisa Powell writes how supportive her midwives have been as the Covid-19 pandemic made her pregnancy-related anxiety even worse
Birth in a pandemic after a pregnancy loss After losing a baby to miscarriage, Clare Hardy describes how her subsequent pregnancy and birth were affected by Covid-19 as well as anxiety about a further loss
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