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Journal Vol. 35, No. 1 — Dare we say it? Physiological birth

ISSN 2516-5852 (Online)

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Editorial - Why does physiological birth matter?

Carolyn Warrington introduces the AIMS position paper calling for physiology-informed maternity services, and Alex Smith introduces the articles in this edition of the AIMS journal.

Physiological birth: how it works

Alex Smith describes key aspects of the physiological process of birth.

Physiological birth: a dangerous cult or a scientific fact?

Doula Natalie Meddings sets her knowledge of physiological birth into its current political context.

Why Birth Art?

Birth artist Sophie Jenna reflects on her personal journey to believing and trusting in her intuitive ability to give birth.

The Art of Giving Birth – Five Key Physiological Principles

Author Sallyann Beresford sets out her five key principles for supporting physiological birth.

Considering the invisible parts of the birth environment

Midwife, aromatherapist and yogi, Nicole Schlögel, considers the socio-cultural birth environment and its impact on the birth experience.

Teaching midwives about physiology-based care: going beyond the core curriculum

Midwife Molly O’Brien spoke to AIMS about her Biomechanics for Birth courses for midwives and other birth workers.

Introducing Care Opinion

Dr James Munro introduces Care Opinion, an online feedback platform for health services across the UK.

Transforming to Continuity of Midwifery Carer

AIMS volunteer Leslie Altic tells us about Continuity of Midwifey Carer schemes in Northern Ireland.

Mental Health-related maternal deaths

The AIMS Campaigns team review the latest MBRRACE report.

Conference Report: Pandemic recovery of maternity & child services September 2022

AIMS volunteer Nadia Higson reports on a recent conference that was looking at various aspects of the impact of Covid-19 on maternity and child services and how these can inform services as they rebuild.

A fond farewell to, and from, Julia Cumberlege and Cyril Chantler, champions for changing childbirth for the better

Jo Dagustun, on behalf of AIMS, says thank you and farewell to the champions of Better Births.

In Memoriam: Beverley Lawrence Beech

Debbie Chippington-Derrick remembers Beverley who was Chair of AIMS for forty years.

What has the AIMS Campaigns Team been up to?

An update on what the AIMS Campaigns Team have been up to this quarter.

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