AIMS Governance and the role of trustees

This video How AIMS Governance works explains the roles of members, trustees, the management team and other volunteers in making decisions about how AIMS works and delivers for our beneficiaries. Further details can be found in the AIMS constitution

The trustees are all members of AIMS and volunteers who meet monthly as a Board. Their responsibilities include setting strategy, reviewing the charity’s finances and approving new policies and position papers following consultation with the whole volunteer group.

Trustees are elected by members attending the AGM. At each AGM the constitution requires that one third of the trustees retire. This will be those who have been longest in office since their last appointment or reappointment. They are eligible to stand for reappointment.

Additional trustees can be appointed at any time during the year, but must retire and stand for election at the next AGM.

All trustees must comply with the legal and regulatory duties set out by the Charity Commission The essential trustee: what you need to know, what you need to do - GOV.UK. These include:

  • Making sure that the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit as set out in the constitution, and no other purpose.

  • Making sure that the charity complies with the constitution, charity law requirements and any other laws that apply.

  • Acting in the charity’s best interests

  • Managing the charity’s resources responsibly

  • Acting with reasonable care and skill

  • Making sure the charity is accountable by complying with statutory accounting and reporting requirements

Anyone applying to become a trustee is required to sign a declaration that includes the following:

“I undertake to fulfill my responsibilities and duties as a trustee of AIMS in good faith and in accordance with the law and within AIMS objectives/mission and Code of Conduct for trustees.

I do not have any financial interests in conflict with those of AIMS (either in person or through family or business connections) except those that I have formally notified in a conflict of interest statement. I will specifically notify any such interest at any meeting where trustees are required to make a decision which affects my personal interests, and I will absent myself entirely from any decision on the matter and not vote on it.”

In order to monitor potential conflicts of interest the Board of Trustees maintain a Register of Trustees interests that is reviewed at each Board meeting. This covers all voluntary and paid activities in areas of health and maternity, including products and services of interest to parents, or health care providers. This would include personal involvement in providing or having an investment in such products or services.

Other business interests that are clearly not related to this area do not need to be declared, including being a director or trustee of another organisation in another area.

A trustee who has a conflict of interest that could be affected by a decision of the Board is required to declare it and leave the meeting while the matter is under discussion.

Current AIMS trustees (as of December 2024)

Dorothy Brassington (Hon. Treasurer)

Debbie Chippington Derrick

Keleigh Glenton

Katharine Graves

Jamie Klair

Nadia Higson

Hailey Willington

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