AIMS Journal, 2024, Vol 36, No 3
By the AIMS Campaigns Team
Written outputs:
20th June: Completed survey for Sands & Tommy’s Policy Unit call for evidence on ‘What do you think needs to deliver safer maternity and neonatal services'.
Open Letter to Wes Streeting on Continuity of Carer
Comments on Plan-A decision aid and other documents
Conferences and meetings attended:
2nd May: NHS-E MTP Stakeholder Council meeting online, focus on mental health
7th May: monthly AIMS Campaigns Team meeting
14th & 15th May: Birth Trauma Summit
16th May: NHS-E Board
16th May: Plan A meeting
20th May: RCM Research Prioritisation Project meeting
20th May: AIMS Team Lead meeting on student midwives video.
21st May: Campaigns Orientation Session for new team members
21st May: Brainstorming session on APPG Birth Trauma Inquiry
22nd May: Continuity of Carer Huddle
23rd May: Maternity Continuity Network facilitation team meeting
30th May: Plan A meeting
CSG meeting every Tuesday morning
4th June: monthly AIMS Campaigns Team meeting
11th June: Aims Team Leads meeting
12th & 13th June: NHS ConfedExpo 2024, NHS Advisory Group
13th June: ARM Summer Meeting
20th June: Continuity of Carer Huddle
18th - 28th June: Microbirth online Summit
26th June: RCM Research Prioritisation Project meeting
27th June: Plan A meeting
2nd July: monthly AIMS Campaigns Team meeting
3rd July: CHERISH ‘World Cafe’ event
11th July: Continuity of Carer Huddle
24th July: Crochet workshop for AIMS piece on human rights in childbirth for Threads of Protest Exhibition
Who we have been corresponding with:
NI Ambulance Service on responders directions to labouring woman
Podcast with The Blossoming Midwife 8th June 2024
Launch of the BESt-UK study
ARM - comments on their pamphlet
Make Birth Better on response to Birth Trauma APPG report
Signitatory to Baby Feeding Law Group UK letter to Devex raising concerns about them partnering with Nestle to put on an event.
What else we have been reading:
Responses to Birth Trauma APPG report
NHS-E’s One Year On report for the NHS-E Public Board
Thanks to all the AIMS campaigns Volunteers who have made this work possible. We are very keen to expand our campaigns team work, so please do get in touch with if you’d like to help!
The AIMS Journal spearheads discussions about change and development in the maternity services..
AIMS Journal articles on the website go back to 1960, offering an important historical record of maternity issues over the past 60 years. Please check the date of the article because the situation that it discusses may have changed since it was published. We are also very aware that the language used in many articles may not be the language that AIMS would use today.
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AIMS supports all maternity service users to navigate the system as it exists, and campaigns for a system which truly meets the needs of all.